This project

I have been volunteering and helping in my community for many years. From National Junior Honor Society to National Charity League and Girl Scouts. I have always enjoyed the sense of pride and accomplishment I get from giving my time and skills, it's just the boost I need. Volunteering has really shaped my life and my way of thinking. It comes with so many benefits for my well being and I hope many others will find their passion for philanthropy as I have.

I created this website for my Community Project but I didn't want it to be just that, I wanted it to help people in my community and help show others that volunteering is amazing and incredibly important. I hope others will use this website as a resource to find a new place to give their time, skills, and resources and show others where to begin or continue their philanthropic journey. There are lots of resources and information to help anyone on their way. I hope that philanthropy finds the right way into your heart the way it has to mine.