“Providing opportunities for the American people to express their gratitude and show our Military and first responders that what they do matters.”
Operation Gratitude is a nationwide program that assembles care packages for all that serve. They have impacted over 3.8 million people with their care packages that are filled with handwritten letters of gratitude, snacks, hygiene products, and handmade items. Everyone who receives a package is greatly impacted.
How can I help?
Volunteers can write letters, create a handmade item for inclusion, or donate wish list items to go into care packages.
Volunteer time or skill
Participate in a packing event or make something to go in care packages
Donate items for care packages or money to help support the mission
“Thank y'all so much for doing this. It means a lot to me and these letters brightened my day. If I could I would like to send thanks to y'alls entire team and the the families that these letter came from.”
“Operation Gratitude has helped me appreciate those who serve to protect me.”
Contact Operation Gratitude
Phone: (818) 960-7878
See website with specific emails for your needs
A website for volunteers who want to find an amazing organization to support.